Sunday 23 May 2010

Girls like a guy with a big gun!!!

In my second year we were given a project about the Olympics 2012. I was given the sport of Double Trap and the target audience of male 40-50 year olds. I had to create a campaign that would attract my audience to the sport and make them either go watch it at the Olympics or take it up as a sport. My aim is to create something that is engaging and that would capture the attention on my target audience, 40-50 year old males, and to either get them to take double trap shooting up or watch it at the Olympic 2012 games. My research showed that only men were allowed to take part in Double Trap in the Olympics. Therefore, I wanted to try and present that Double Trap shooting was a cool and sexy sport for men and that if you participated in the sport you would be seen as real catch! I also thought it was important to have a sense of humour behind the message. This is because it would make it more appealing to my audience and also make it more memorable. I came up with the idea of having a series of games, videos, online advertisements that would be placed where my target audience spent time online. I found in my research that *55% - Read latest news/current events online therefore this would be a more suitable place to advertise my campaign

My main idea is to create a video that would be placed on YouTube and promoted by other online campaigns such as MPU’s, web banners and leader boards. The idea of my video is to have a series of similar short adverts that would represent sex and humour. The first one would be similar to the Lynx adverts where girls run to a not so attractive man because he smells so nice. Well I wanted to take this idea and get two men of different ages and appearances and get women to run to one of the men. You would think it’s the younger man but in fact it is the older man because ‘women like a man with a big gun!!’ referring obviously to double trap shooting but playing on the word 'gun'!!!! I also had the idea of having a video game application that would be downloaded onto a blackberry or iphone (the most popular phone for my target audience). However, I think that this idea may not be totally suitable or an effective way of advertising double trap shooting.

Here are some of my pages: